Thursday, September 8, 2016

Top 5 good alternative to Installous to iOS 5 and iOS 6

When we buy an application we must know whether it is useful and that this app actually does what we want. The app store unfortunately we can not "use to test." Some apps have a light version, but, although a free version is only part of the PRO version offers. So, as a solution, users try to work around this situation and resort to such famous Installous. This service was a repository of apps, where users with Jailbreak, could easily download applications and test the functionality of the same in full.
But Apple did not see it that way and labeled as a repository "pirate" and  so Installous closed . No longer can you download the apps to test. But as the Internet has powers fenix , then appeared other good alternatives to Installous. We will know a TOP 5 of alternatives to Installous!
The Hackulous group, responsible for the app to install apps "crackadas", announced the end of Installousand this service has been shut down, as well as the AppSync . The closure of such a service is always a victory for those who produce for the App Store, although the popularity of many apps have been achieved only after these are available "free" in Installous, with many people  subsequently  bought the same.
Closes Installous and immediately appear on a set of alternatives. Today we know 5 of these alternatives:
1. AppCake
This alternative stands out because it does not need to run the AppSync AppCake. This utility supports both iOS 5 and iOS 6 / 6.0.1.
Use AppCake is very simple. AppCake is a simple tool to quickly search and install IPA files on your iDevice jailbroken with, and this in a few minutes.
To begin to add Cydia the following address:  and when receiving results look for AppCake, install AppCake or AppCake + for iPhone, iPod Touch and AppCake HD for iPad.
Restart your device when the installation is complete. The AppCake should be available on the Springboard.Open the utility and browse the categories to searches of the apps you want to install.
2. App VV / vShare

The App VV utility (vShare) requires AppSync to become available. However, now that the repository gone forever, go directly to the source is no longer possible. Look for AppSync other repositories that still have (Google is a need and will help tell you where to download this app). Having already installed AppSync is ready to install this tool.
VV app allows you to install IPA files "unauthenticated" on your device with Jailbraik directly from Cydia.You can install the App VV adding the repo  in Cydia. Once installed in the repository search for App VV and install the utility.
App VV will not appear directly on the springboard. You have to go to installous app and then to the Downloads tab. Click the App VV and install it. When installed, vShare icon will appear on your springboard . 
Open the vSphere app, even though this in Chinese, as the research and apps appear in English. If you have trouble you can search the web, there are plenty of guides in English and even some in Portuguese that can help. - Is vshare safe?
3. i-Funbox
This tool presents itself as a "desktop app" that can install on your computer. It's easy and fun to use the i-Funbox. But like the previous tool, is also the need AppSync who left, as already mentioned, to be available in repository. Search the web for AppSync. Once installed you are ready to download and use the i-Funbox.
Download i-Funbox for  Windows  /  Mac
4. Zeusmos (pay) [No need to Jailbreak]

Zeusmos is another effective way to sign and install IPA files on your device, such as doing the installous.However, this service has a price and two variants. The most friendly version consumer costs about $ 15 year
It is very simple: add one of repo in Cydia:  or , then browse the Zeusmos application and install and if you have not already installed the AppSync (for iOS 6) or (for iOS 5), restart the iDevice and enjoy!
Then you will see that the Zeusmos works as Installous, this means that applications are "hosted" on a server where you have to overcome one, always bored Captcha and wait 30 or 60 seconds until thedownload IPA start.
5. Kuaiyong

This is another good alternative. The Kuaiyong allows you to install IPA files but as a requirement these files must be downloaded and signed on the desktop. The  Kuauyong  is available in Chinese, but you can browse the web several guides in English to help if you have any difficulty.
In short…
If you need to download an app to test before buying, these can be some of the alternatives to what was the great place where millions of users of the iPhone and iPad have resorted to many apps that otherwise could not. It was from these processes that many users started to use some paid tools that bought later because they realized its importance for your life.
Note that these repositories are not official and may contain unverified material, in terms of safety, by Apple and can expose your device to any malware.
You should also not use these systems to pirate applications. Should consider when purchasing applications, because these only acquired benefit from updates to the developers via App Store.
All actions are your responsibility.

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